RfcAgiler  Automatic email sending of questions and answersSSL

       Automatic email sending for questions and answers:
  Automatically sends when a question/request, answer/confirmation is created or the work status is changed.
   Automatically sends to members whose sending addresses are set in the "Options" group.
      You must also check "Automatic email sending" in "General."

   The email sent will look something like this:

      [Email content]
      (1) [Model]
               Model name, model version
      (2) [Instance]
      (3-1) If there is a question about the Lclass name
              [Instance L class]
                 Lclass ID, Lclass name, element name
      (3-2) If there is a question about the S class name
              [Instance Lclass]
                 Lclass ID, Lclass name, element name
              [Instance S class]
                 Sclass ID, Sclass name, element name
      (4-1) In the case of a question
                Title, question IDbr>                Instance ID (instance ID asking the question)
                 No. (question number), work status,
                 question content
      (4-2) In the case of an answer
                Title, question ID
                Instance ID (instance ID asking the question)
                 work status
                 Answer ID
                 No. (answer number), work status,
                 answer content