RfcAgiler  Repeat SettingsSSL

   (1) Model and instance repetition settings
         ) Model repetition settingsa
           a.Lclass element name is --any-
           b.Sclass element name is --any--
           c.If keyword is P[N][x](x=1,2,..n) and N
        An instance is to create data for the three cases of the above model.
     2) Repetition of instances
           a. You can create multiple Lclasses with the same name but different element names.
           b. You can create multiple Sclasses with the same name but different element names.
           c. P[N][x] (x=1,2,..n) of keywords can create N keyword data.

       Lclass example:

       Here, the element name of the L class of the model is --arbitrary--.
      The instance sets multiple specific element names.  

      Example of S class:  
       The S class is similar to the L class in terms of element names.

      Keyword example:
      Here is an example of state transition keywords P[N][1], P[N][2], P[N][3].
  Multiple specific keyword data for instances are set.        

  (2) Repeated output definition settings

       This shows the case where a variable identifier with repetition is set in the sequence identifier.
       The sequence identifier is $Seq[1], and the element name of the L class name of the model is --any-- variable setting.
       The setting variable is $Var[28].
       $Var[28] displays the loop.  
       The loop has options for Loop and End Loop.

 (3) Repetition options in output definition
      1) Loop:
      The loop has two options, "Continue to next" and "New line".  

       If you select "Continue to next":

       Check the above image by selecting "Check Output Definition" from the "Output" menu.
      When checking the output definition, if there is a repetition, it will be displayed twice.
  The end of the first repetition and the beginning of the second repetition will be connected.

     If you select a keyword on a new line;  
     the first occurrence will end at the end and the second occurrence will begin on a new line.

        2) Loop termination keyword:
      There are two options: "Output all" and "Don't output after last $Var". 

      If you select Output all,
      all loop end counts will also be displayed.

      If you select Do not output after the last $Var  

      The loop end count will not be displayed after the $Var variable.
      If there are multiple $Vars, the last $Var will not be displayed.