RfcAgiler  Group creation/deletionSSL

     1. Group creation

      The owner's name and account name are the ones registered during the initial settings.
      Click the Add button to create a group.
       Enter your name (optional: a name that can be identified) and account.
        If the sending email address is different from your account, set it
       [Example] Set Ito for the name and Ito@rfcagiler.com for the account.
             Set Ito@send.com as the sending email address and press the Add button .
        Finally, click the Save button to save.

    2. Group deletion

        Select the name of the group you want to delete.
       Here, select name: kato and press the delete button.

        When you click the save button, a confirmation screen will be displayed.
     Click "Yes" to delete it. 
        Finally, click the Save button to save.

  3.  Group Update
        Select the name to update.
        Here, select name: kato and press the update button.
        You can update your name, account, and sending email address.
         [Example] Name: sudo, Account: sudo@rfcagiler.com
  Change the sending email address to sudo@rfcagiler.com and press the settings button.
         The contents will be changed.

         Online storage chat automatically registers chat members.