RfcAgiler  Tranfer of person in charge SSL


 【Transfer of model person in charge】 
       On the model definition screen,
       click "Person in charge information" in the model of the menu
       If the model definition owner information screen is displayed and
       the e-mail address is your own address or a special e-mail address
       (address without @), you can transfer to person in charge.
       If the person in charge can be transferred,
       click the "Transfer person in charge"  button.
        The model definition owner transfer screen is displayed,
        and the group set as an option is displayed.

        Here, select the person you want to transfer to.

        Here, the email address chooses anyone (a special email address without @).

        Once selected, click "Transfer" button.
        The model definition closes when the transfer process ends.
        If you open the model and click contact info on the model in the menu,
        the email address is anyone.
Since anyone is a special email address,
        anyone can transfer the person in charge,
        so you can change the person in charge by
        clicking "transfer person in charge" button.


      インスタンスを開くと、名前:片寄 Eメールアドレス:rfc.katayose@gmailc.omが
      名前:吉田 Eメールアドレス:yoshida@sample.comに変更されています。 


[Output definition person transfer]
      On the output definition screen, click "Person in charge information" in the output
     of the menu.

      If the output definition owner information screen is displayed and
      the e-mail address is your own address or a special e-mail address
      (address without @), you can transfer of person in charge.
 If a person in charge of you can be transferred,
       click "Transfer person in charge" button.
       The output definition owner transfer screen is displayed,
       and the group set as an option is displayed.

       Here, select the person you want to transfer to.

       Here we choose Yoshida.
       After making your selections, click  "Transfer " button.
       The instance is closed when the delegation process is finished.
       If you open the output definition and click the person in charge information
       in the model of the menu, the person in charge is Yoshida and
      the e-mail address is yoshida`sample.com.
