RfcAgiler  Open Instance SSL

  1. Click "Open Instance" in the menu
       1.1 When opening for the first time (if the workspace is empty) or
              when changing workspaces and opening an instance

(The figure below is the screen when the workspace is empty,
                so it is opened first)
          Clicking the workspace browse button displays the explorer.
     RfcAgiler data has a directory of xxx.ws.
          Now click on RfcAgilerSample.ws.
          Enter a workspace name and click Browse Directory.
      Select rfcagiler.prj, put it in the file name,
         and click the "Open (o)" button.
  First select the model name.
         Since the instance list of the selected model name is displayed,
         select the instance name and click the "Open" button.

        Here, select model name: "communication protocol" version: 1.0.0 and
         instance name: "instance communication protocol" version: 1.0.0.
  The administration screen is displayed. Click "Go to instance screen"
         on the upper right of the screen to move to the instance screen.
      1.2 When opening a previous instance
1.2 前回のインスタンスを開く場合
  Since the previous information is saved,
         the previous directory is displayed in the workspace,
         the list of models is displayed, and the previous model is also selected.

          A list of instances for that model is displayed and
          an instance is selected.

  Here, the previous instance is displayed as
         model name: "communication protocol" version: 1.0.0
         instance name: "instance communication protocol" version: 0.0.1.

         Click the "Open" button to display the instance management screen.