RfcAgiler  Sclass CreateSSL

       To create an S class, select an L or S class that belongs to it For example,
       if you want to create an S class where the L class belongs to the application layer,
       you must select either the L class application layer or the S class configuration.

       Once selected, select Add S Class in the Model Definition menu.

       Alternatively, within the model definition, right-click and select Add S Class.

       The S class addition screen will be displayed.
       Set the small classification name to the S class name (here, we call it "configuration")

      There are two types of element names: fixed names and arbitrary names.
      There are multiple possible configurations of element names, such as procedures,
      states, state transitions, timers, and counters.
For fixed, set procedures, states,
      state transitions, timers, counters, etc.

      If you set "--arbitary--", each person in charge sets the procedure, status, etc.
      for the configuration in the instance (example).

       This classification of configurations is arbitrary and should be fixed in the model
      when creating instances.

      However, if S class name: configuration and element name: procedure have already
       been created, element name: --arbitrary-- cannot be created.

For an S class name, --any-- can be made one.
      Here, when you click the Add button in S class
      name: component name: state, an S class will be created.
