RfcAgiler  SampleSSL

     Click download sample below.

       Download sample

     A sample download screen will appear in your browser.
     Follow your browser's instructions to download the sample.

 【Sample description
    1.Unzip the sample file 
     Unzip the downloaded file: RfcAgilerSample.ws.zip.
       Set the decompression destination to any directory (here: c:\work).
       After unzipping, you will see the RfcAgilerSample.ws directory.
       The RfcAgilerSample.ws directory contains the rfcagiler.def directory
       and the rfcagiler.prj file.
       Inside the rfcagiler.def directory are model, instance and
       output definition information.

       The rfcagiler.prj file is the file that determines the workspace when
       opening models, instances, and output definitions.

For Linux: Open a terminal and unzip with upzip -Ocp932.inux
       >unzip  -Ocp932 RfcAgilerSample.ws.zip  

   2.Launching RfcAgiler
      Launch RfcAgiler.


   3.model open 
     Click "Open Model" in the menu.

     The Open Model screen will appear.

       Click the workspace browse button.
     Move to the subdirectory of the RfcAgilerSample.ws directory
     to the unzipped location (c:\work here).

     Select the rfcagiler.prj file and click Open.
     The RfcAgilerSample.ws directory is displayed in the workspace
     of the Open Model screen, and the models
     in the RfcAgilerSample.ws directory are displayed.

     Here you see version 0.0.1 of the communication protocol.

    Select Communication Protocol Version 0.0.1 and click Open.
    A model screen appears. For model operation, refer to
    the manual "5. Model".
    The owner of the model is only a reference because
    the @ is not attached to the email address,
    but you can transfer the owner to yourself.

    To transfer ownership, click Ownership Transfer
    in Model Definition in the menu.

     Since the owner's e-mail address is an e-mail address
without @, you can click the transfer responsibility button.

     When you click the transfer responsibility button,
     the model definition owner transfer screen is displayed.

      If you want to make the edits yourself, select your
     registered email address and click the transfer button.

     The model screen is closed and the initial screen appears.

   4. open instance      
      Click Open Instance on the menu.
     The Open Instance screen will appear. Once the workspace is
     configured, you will see the model name and instance name
in the configured workspace.

   Click the Open button to display the instance screen.
     Here, all four of them are in charge without @ in their e-mail address,
     so they cannot edit.
To enable editing, select Ownership Transfer
     in Menu Management with the username of your choice.

     First, transfer the top responsibilities. This person in charge
     can change all the persons in charge below.

     Click Transfer Ownership.

     When you click the transfer button, it will be transferred to
     Katayose (actually, your own email address) and the management
     screen will be closed and the initial screen will appear.

     When you open the instance again, the person in charge of anyone
     on the management screen will be changed to Katayose.

     Username: Katayose can manage (add, delete, transfer) other users.
     Transfer responsibility if another user is registered. If no other user is
     registered, anyone else will also transfer to my user.
     Here we transfer all users to ourselves.

     To transfer, select anyone, select the menu
     "Administration" - "Transfer", and perform the same process as above.

     The result of transferring everything one-sidedly is as follows.

    Clicking on the Instances tab or Go to instance screen on
    the administration screen will display the instance screen.

    Editing can be done by the person in charge: Katayose.  
    For details on how to operate instances,
refer to the manual   "6. Instances."

   5. State transition     
      This is created by the state and state transition keywords of
      the S class configuration of the transport layer of the L class
      of the instance.
For state transitions,
please refer to "7. State Transitions" in the manual.

      Click the state transition tab.
    Click to see the state transition diagram.
    Since you are in charge, you can edit (move the status).

    The figure below is the person in charge: Katayose.

    Person in charge: Katayose (1) is also my own email address,
    so it can be moved.
Click to display the state transition diagram,
    and move to it.

    The figure below is the person in charge: Katayose (1).

    This is the initial, non-moving state. Drag the state name to move it.

   6. schedule     
     You can also see the schedule by opening the instance.
Navigate to the schedule by clicking the Schedule tab.

    For the schedule, please refer to "8. Schedule" in the manual.

      When you open an instance, you can also refer to
      /update questions/requests/answers.

      On the question/request screen, select the instance you want
      to ask a question about and set the details.
Select a user to answer from the user list and get the answer.

     The answer screen displays questions that other users have
     asked you to answer.
In this case, it is not displayed because
     we set all users as ourselves.

     For questions/requests/answers, please refer to
     "9. Questions/requests/answers" in the manual.

       Documentation includes model documentation and instance
The model document is shown below.
       Model documentation can be moved to the documentation tab
       when you create or open a model or when you create or open
       an instance.
When only the model is created or opened,
       it can be updated by the person in charge.
       Others are for reference only.

     For the model document, refer to the manual "11. Document".
     The instance document is shown below.  
     Instance documents can be moved to the document tab
     when the instance is created or opened.

     You can update if you are an administrator of the instance.

     Others are for reference only.

   9.output definition
       Click "Open Output Definition" in the menu.

     The Open Output Definition screen is displayed.

     Click the open button.

    To make it updatable, click Menu: Contact Information in Output.

     Displays output definition owner information.

     Here, click Transfer Ownership. However, if the instance is open,
     the person in charge cannot be transferred,
     so close the instance once and then open the output definition.
     Click the transfer button and it will be transferred to your email
     address katayose@rfcagiler.com.
     For output definitions, see "9. Output Definitions."