RfcAgiler  Field of app   SSL

Field of app
1.Agile development
2.waterfall development
3.Researcher's Theme Arrangement
4.Organizing student themes
  Organizing at the exam
  [Organize by yourself]
     [organize with friends]
5.Organizing hobbies (history, collectors, etc.)   
In addition to the above, it can be used in various fields

1.Agile development
   You can easily plan, design, implement, and test the process using the model template,
   divide the development into small units, and carry out iterations to proceed with development.
   Looking at the figure below, each person in charge develops function A.
   Customers also participate as members and help improve the functionality.
     During work, each person in charge sets the progress rate and
     checks the overall progress
       (Blue is the scheduled completion date, red is the progress rate,
        and the progress date is calculated from the scheduled completion date)

     For each process, other people in charge and customers confirm the contents,
     and if there are questions or requests, specify the process and ask questions and
     requests for improvement.
(Extreme Programming Communication and Feedback)

     Scrum-like communication in a remote environment deepens communication and
     records it as a history by using questions, requests, and answers to them between
     people in charge.

      When function A is finished, develop function B.
      Person in charge adds feature B.
   Check the progress of this whole work in progress.
     Function A is all completed and you can see the work progress of function B.

    Add functions in the same way
    ※See"https://backlog.com/ja/blog/what-is-agile-and-waterfall/" for Agile Development

2.waterfall development

      Waterfall decides all functions and flow at the planning stage.
      Therefore, in RfcAgiler, we first consider the configuration in the document and
      summarize the necessary functions.

    Once the overall function is organized in the document, set the function and
    schedule for each person in charge in the instance


    See your progress while working in the waterfall
    Associates a document with something created by an instance.

3.Researcher's Theme Arrangement
  Here we will organize communication protocols and discuss group interactions.
       Communication Protocol: Modifications for transport layer TCP.
       Two people categorize and organize TCP remodeling and set the remodeling
       points in the reference file.

   Set the state and state transition with the categorized keywords,
     and display the state transition diagram.

      adapt11    adapt12
    Ask each other questions and improve.

4.Organizing student themes
 Students make a schedule, decide what to do by when, and categorize themes.
   We will add the materials used in each classification as reference files.
   If there is something you don't understand, ask a question.
   If you do it alone, you will get the answer from the reference materials etc.
   for the question and answer the question.
   If you have more than one person, write the question, if any,
   and choose who will answer it.
   With a schedule, you know how to proceed and complete it.
   In addition, there is an exchange of questions and answers on the classified
   themes, and you can see which points you have weaknesses.

   In the model definition, create a template for organizing
  (here, create a simple template, but feel free to create a template that suits you)

 In the figure below, factorization, simultaneous equations, etc. are set
   for mathematics in the first year of high school.
       (Please categorize and set this as it suits you

     Set the start date, scheduled completion date, and progress rate
     for each theme, and check the schedule.
     If there is something you don't understand after learning about each of them,
et a question about the part you don't understand and get an answer.
     (If you are alone, you will answer by yourself, but if you are in a group,
      you will ask the group to answer.)

     Copy the notes you took in class with your smartphone and add them to
     the reference file as images.
     Double-click the added file to start the default application and display the image.

5.Organizing hobbies (history, collectors, etc.)
        If you collect and organize materials as a hobby,
        you can classify and organize the collected materials.
        In addition, it will be enhanced by increasing the items of classification
        from a new perspective.
        For example, when a group of people who are visiting castles as a hobby
        exchange information about castles, they provide information about castles
        from various perspectives.
        We provide information on each other's castles from various perspectives.

       (Common Viewpoint, Unique Viewpoint
       In the model definition, set the L class name to Castle name
       and set the element as desired.
       (In instances group members set the name of the castle)
       The S class makes the element optionalin "that it is known".
       Set the element whose S class name is "character" with the associated person,
       and set the element name of the keyword (type: state) with the person name.

       The S-class name sets the element with the characteristics of the person.
       Make the element name of the keyword (type: state transition) the relation name.

       Element names are automatically created: state (from) and state (to).

     In the chart below each member makes various statements about the name
       of the castle at what they know.
       If there are reference files (materials) or reference URLs
       for each (L class, S class), register them.


Keyword elements:                                      Keyword elements:
Regarding the character name,                   Regarding the relationship name,
set the character name as shown               set the transition name in the figure below
in the figure below, assuming that             as the relationship between the characters,
the state name is the two years                  and the data for the state(from) and state(to)
leading up to the Battle of Sekigahara.
       applied25  applied26
   Based on the data entered above, the relationship between the characters is
     shown in the figure below.